In 2020, I read a post by Pavel Durov titled "7 Reasons Not to Move to the USA." In his post, he discusses topics that are generally avoided by Americans. He mentions the low quality of education, high crime rates, and inefficiencies in the healthcare system.
I shown his post to my American interlocutor and he said me "This is not true. America is a progressive country that fights for human rights. We have a good medicine, education and fight for human rights".
You can ask any American citizen, and they will likely tell you the same. People in America tend not to expose issues like poor education quality, outdated beliefs, harsh discrimination, and high crime rates; instead, they prefer you to think that America is all about Apple, Google, and OpenAI. You might call this "positive thinking."
People outside America believe in American democracy and human rights advocates because this is the image projected by global media.
To learn more about America, you should carefully look around and notice the details. These details can be found in their movies, messages from your American friends, and posts by American leaders on social media.
Do you want to learn more about America? Look at the video where an illegal immigrant from Guatemala burned a sleeping woman. Observe the people's reaction.
You might also remember the police officer's response to an Indian girl's death, calling her "Low value."
This is what could happen to you if you become a victim in America. No one will truly be sorry. Perhaps, the best individuals in American society might only say, "I am sorry that it happened to you." That's it. No one will help you.
The most horrifying experience is waking up afterward to find your life and body broken, with everyone around you, like monkeys, laughing at your suffering and guessing what damage you've got, how, and why you can still walk.
This is what happened to me. I tried to seek justice, but I only encountered people mocking my troubles and suggesting I go to church, a shelter, or a psychologist...
When you read about the compensations that victims reportedly receive, don't be fooled. You might know about some cases, which may or may not be true. However, you are unaware of many others where people were murdered, destroyed, and disappeared without any trace.
So what is America about? This is a country with it's advantages and disadvantages.
And this country is a perfect seller. They sell something that they don't have by themselves - democracy, law and human rights.
Look around and don't be fooled.
The referenced video showing the burning woman receiving no help or compassion, including from uniformed personel present at the scene is published on X.
"First published by me on X Dec 24, 2024. Republished on my blog January 22, 2025 with changes"